Mr. Regina holds an honors degree in Political Science from the University of Social Science of Rome.
He has been an assistant at the Methods for International Conflicts Resolutions department, as well as an assistant at the Global Strategy at the Military School. In 1986, he won the Palazzo di Vetro award in New York for his work on Middle East conflicts. In 1988, he became the head of communications and public and legal relations at Procter & Gamble in Italy.
In 1991, he became director of corporate affairs for the Philip Morris Group in Italy and, subsequently, managing director of Philip Morris Corporate Services Inc. and Philip Morris S.r.l. Between 2008 and 2012, he was president of Unindustria-Union of Industrialists and Companies of Rome, Frosinone, Rieti and Viterbo (formerly Union of Industrialists and Business in Rome) and President of Confindustria Lazio where he became vice president with responsibility for economic development in 2012. He has held and currently holds several positions as director and chairman of the board of directors of various companies.
He is also vice president of the Center for American Studies and is a member of the board of directors of the Aspen Institute Italia.