Conduct prospective evaluations of a company's economic and financial sustainability
time saved in preparing a financial statement simulation
100% compliant with accounting standards and legal regulations
Financial Forecast Studio is a platform that offers financial simulation tools to predict and analyse various evolutionary scenarios for a company’s economic and financial performance, in accordance with EBA-LOM guidelines.
The solution uses standard simulations powered by Cerved data, as well as customized simulations based on the reference historical series, future years of interest, and various scenario assumptions. This allows you to improve risk management and prevention.
You can also compare different scenario simulations for the same entity or with competitors, enabling market benchmarking.
What data and indicators are provided by the simulations?
The simulations provide data and indicators covering up to 3 historical years and 5 future years, divided into two scenarios: expected ("Base") and pessimistic ("Worst"). Each simulation includes a future financial sustainability index, future inertial financial statements in the CeBi reclassified format, a set of LOM indicators, key financial indicators, and benchmarks with the relevant sector.
Can I customize the simulations according to my needs?
Yes! You can select the historical series of reference, define the future years of interest, and modify the scenario assumptions. You have access to a module with around 40 editable items based on the information extracted from the business plan of the company under examination.
Are the financial analyses based on widely adopted models and indicators?
The models developed by Centrale dei Bilanci (Ce.Bi.), access to data, predictive algorithms, and macroeconomic and sectorial scenarios developed by Cerved provide you with tools used by most Italian banks.
© 2024 Cerved Group S.p.A. u.s.
Via dell’Unione Europea n. 6/A-6/B – 20097 San Donato Milanese (MI) – REA 2035639 Cap. Soc. € 50.521.142 – P.I. IT08587760961 – P.I. Gruppo IT12022630961 - Azienda con sistema qualità certificato da DNV – UNI EN ISO 9001:2015