Our CEBI System (Computerised Data Processing System for Company Financial Statements) is a platform on which you can automatically receive, check, reclassify and analyse the financial figures contained in the accounts of each organisation you do business with. The system also enables you to apply various analytical formats depending on the sector of activity and type of financial statements. For each organisation, you will be able to obtain solvency indicators, financial vulnerability levels and risk margins in the short, medium and long term. This all comes with the guarantee that the information will always be adjusted to reflect changes in accounting standards on the back of legal and regulatory changes.
Recognised as the gold standard on the market, the CEBI System is the most widely used software application of its kind in the banking and financial industry. Our platform lets you acquire financial statements from Cerved’s archives and use tested, proven tools and high-performing analyses of financial risk factors. You will be able to handle any accounting situation in a specialised format, regardless of the legal form of business or sector of business in which the organisation operates. You can search for and view the data of all recognised organisations and can check the data for consistency at any time. Depending on your requirements, you can set automatic reclassifications of financial statements based on prearranged formats, and can manage specific accounts arranged according to the type of financial report. Plus, you can take advantage of the CEBI-Score to automatically receive a diagnosis of the financial risk profile of each organisation you do business with, which is a predictive measure of both current and future risk levels relative to the averages for the organisation’s sector of activity and geographic location.