Enhance your commercial actions by accurately identifying qualified targets (Businesses and Individuals).
conversion rate for commercial campaigns with machine learning targeting scores
increase in identified subjects for potential market expansion in emerging sectors
reduction in market segmentation time and zero time spent on potential market analysis
Atoka Marketing Brain supports you in the definition and execution of commercial campaigns targeting businesses and individuals, using a scientific approach. The analysis of proprietary and distinctive data allows you to extract meaningful signals, which are translated into valuable business insights through engines and algorithms.
The platform allows you to target high-potential prospects and maximize the hidden opportunities within your customer base.
Atoka Marketing Brain is natively integrated with Atoka Digital Sales and can be integrated with your CRM to enable the sales network to use the target audiences. An intuitive and flexible user experience also makes it easy to explore information and tailor the content for each type of user.
The platform offers a library of predefined targeting models to identify high-potential leads in specific segments:
How can I import/export data from and to other systems such as CRM, ERP, and management systems?
Atoka Marketing brain allows you to easily import and export data from other systems, either through simple uploads of Excel or CSV files or via a direct connection using APIs.
How many and which targeting variables are available to train targeting models for businesses and individuals?
For both businesses and individuals, more than 100 targeting variables are natively available, including demographic, economic-financial, industry-related information, and a wide range of alternative signals (e.g., energy consumption, focus on sustainability issues, propensity for foreign markets, liquidity events, signals from news and the web, etc.). The variables can be easily extended by adding proprietary and third-party data and signals.
What is the information coverage in terms of the number of businesses and individuals?
Atoka Marketing Brain natively provides information on all Italian companies registered in the business register, including about 6 million active companies and over 11 million inactive companies, as well as more than 30 million individuals directly or indirectly linked to companies or who own real estate. Upon request, data and information on entities from other European countries are also available.
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