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We Facilitate Access to Knowledge

We Promote Economic and Financial Literacy

We provide practical tools for understanding macroeconomic scenarios and trends. We foster market transparency and promote financial literacy for the benefit of market participants, regulators, and institutions.

Events, Webinars, and Initiatives

Opportunities to connect, exchange knowledge, and share experiences and perspectives.

Research and Analysis

In-depth studies to better understand the economic and financial context.

We Collaborate with National and International Entities

The Italian Banking Association
Roundtable of professionals in the foreclosures sector
National Association of Business Information and Credit Management Companies
Italian Association of Market, Social and Opinion Research
Regional association of businesses that operate in the provinces of Milan, Lodi and Monza-Brianza.
Association of Italian Joint-Stock Companies
Association of Real Estate Valuation Companies
Membership programme for the analysis of the Italian real estate market
Bank of Italy
Business Information Industry Association
The Federation of Italian Manufacturers
The Italian confederation of businesses and self-employed professionals
The Italian sector of International Data Management Association
European Association of Credit Rating Agencies
European Committee of Central Balance Sheet Data Offices
Education, Work, Training, Sport
European Federation of Business Information Providers
International Monetary Fund
Business Economists Group
Italian chapter of the most important association in the field of digital advertising at global level
Non-profit and impartial association that represents and unites the Italian innovation chain
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
National Union for Credit Protection Companies
Association of career women who want to create cultural change in companies and organisations
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors