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You can’t buy credibility.
But we can help you build it and show that you’ve got it.

Monitor your credit rating and compare your balance sheet and payment performances with those of other players in your sector. You can take control of the situation and update your profile with your information. In this way, you will improve your credibility and boost your company’s transparency with respect to financial institutions, to invest concretely in the future.

Credibility: the platform for managing your company’s reliability for credit

Its simple and intuitive format lets you upload your company’s financial figures and payment transaction data, which gives the market a true image of your financial activity. You can verify and update any data on your company’s financial situation at any time. You can also keep track of your credit rating, revise relevant information, and compare your creditworthiness-related data with averages in your business sector.

You can continuously monitor changes and events, about which you will receive notifications regularly. You can even find out what kinds of operators are looking at your balance sheet performances and payment patterns. In turn, you can monitor your reference sector’s balance sheet and payment pattern numbers, to help you identify where you can intervene in order to improve your results and become more competitive.

Advantages of the service

Check your creditworthiness, to gain an accurate understanding of your position on the credit market.

Compare your financials with your sector as a whole.

Update your data profile and keep track of changes, to give the market a true image of your activity.

Monitor your credit performances for an up-to-date perspective on your positioning on the market.

Manage your creditworthiness, invest in your company’s future and get the Credibility Member logo.

Invest in your company’s credibility!

Who we serve
